MIAMI, 19 de abril de 2012
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Humberto J. San Pedro Editor General |
Hoy muy temprano me dijeron que mañana, viernes 20 de abril, muchos estudiantes de escuelas medias y superiores de la ciudad estarán celebrando el "Día de la Mariguana".
Hace un rato leí un artículo de AP, que ofrece estadísticas sobre el aumento del consumo de la mariguana entre los adolescentes en los Estados Unidos.
En los últimos tres años he visto, con más frecuencia de la que hubiera querido, los efectos nocivos que produce el consumo de mariguana y otros estupefacientes en los adolescentes. Y conozco muy bien los efectos nocivos que produce el ser un "fumador pasivo" de mariguana.
Todo esto es muy lamentable, pero también es muy difícil de revertir.
Son muchos y diversos los factores que inciden en la tendencia alcista del indice de fumadores de mariguana, de los que consumen mariguana sintética que se vende sin restricción alguna en las farmacias y otros comercios, de medicamentos que solamente se venden por receta médica, como el Xanax, y medicamentos que se venden sin prescripción facultativa, como muchos jarabes para el catarro.
La falta de control de los padres, la inexistencia de legislación adecuada, la proliferación de los vendedores y revendedores y el modelo negativo que ofrecen las llamadas "celebridades", varias de las cuales han muerto por sobredosis en meses recientes, son probablemente los factores más importantes, pero no los únicos.
¿Estará la sociedad lo suficientemente consciente de adónde vamos por este camino?
NUESTRA OPINIÓN: Honestamente, no nos parece que lo esté.
April 20 is Marijuana Day; Where Did 420 Come From?
April 20 is
the favorite day of the year for marijuana smokers -- after all, it is 4/20,
and 420 is code for pot. But where did it come from?
There are
many theories as to why 420 came to represent pot. Some say it is from a Bible
verse. Others say it was police code for pot possession. Or the number of
active chemicals in marijuana. Teatime in Holland? How about Hitler's
None of
these theories is correct.
The real
story is actually quite simple -- a group of five students at San Rafael High School in
California who called themselves the Waldos would meet outside the school at
4:20 every day to smoke pot.
to The Huntington Post, in the fall of 1971 the Waldos got word of
an untended garden of marijuana. They agreed to meet at 4:20 one day to begin
the search.
would remind each other in the hallways we were supposed to meet up at 4:20. It
originally started out 4:20-Louis and we eventually dropped the Louis,"
Waldo Steve, who didn't want to give his real name, told The
Huffington Post in 2009.
searched for weeks for the crops. "We'd meet at 4:20 and get in my
old '66 Chevy Impala and, of course, we'd smoke instantly and smoke all the way
out to Pt. Reyes and smoke the entire time we were out there. We did it week
after week," says Steve. "We never actually found the patch."
But a new
term was born. "I could say to one of my friends, I'd go, 420, and it was
telepathic. He would know if I was saying, 'Hey, do you wanna go smoke some?'
Or, 'Do you have any?' Or, 'Are you stoned right now?' It was kind of
telepathic just from the way you said it," Steve says. "Our teachers
didn't know what we were talking about. Our parents didn't know what we were
talking about."
But how did
it spread beyond this group? Well, the Waldo's had connections to the Grateful
Dead through other friends, and the group sometimes hung out with them in the
hippie paradise of Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco. They used the term there,
and it quickly spread throughout the community, and eventually beyond.
So there
you have it -- the origin of a term that is now known worldwide.
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